恐怖电影 红雀藏不住的秘密


GraysonMoore艾丹·什普利 凯蒂·宝蓝德佩顿·肯迪尼PeytonKennedyGraceGlowicki诺亚.雷德彼得·麦克内尔PeterSpence萨拉·阿伯特MarciaBennett 恐怖电影 加拿大 2018 查看整部剧情
剧情:《红雀藏不住的秘密》是属于恐怖电影类型,官方公布的演员表主要是凯蒂·宝蓝德佩顿·肯迪尼PeytonKennedyGraceGlowicki诺亚.雷德彼得·麦克内尔PeterSpence萨拉·阿伯特MarciaBennett,官方公布的主要简介说的是When Valerie (Sheila McCarthy) returns home from prison years after killing her neighbour in an apparent drunk driving accident, she wants nothing more than to move on — until the deceased’s son shows up at her door and it becomes clear that the past is not easily forgotten.